By Mark Maggiore

Sales Manager

16 February 2015

In everyday life, wastewater isn’t often discussed. Once we use water, very few of us consider where that water goes, how it’s treated, if the treatment processes are sufficient, or if we might have been able to use that wastewater again for other purposes.

Cleanawater is dedicated to improving water conservation and wastewater management in Australia through water treatment consultancy. To learn how your business can benefit from our industry-leading solutions, get in touch with us today.

Freshwater is not an infinite resource. In fact, at the rate our few remaining sources of freshwater are being exploited, more and more areas are going to experience water scarcity problems. That’s exactly why the development and implementation of efficient wastewater treatment processes are becoming increasingly critical.

Businesses that rely heavily on water and have already invested in wastewater treatment systems are familiar with the importance of wastewater. However, the importance of wastewater treatments extends beyond the realm of business and into everyday life.

Here are some of the reasons wastewater is important not just for businesses, but also for individuals.

Sustainable Development

suistainable development water treatment3Rapid population growth, urbanization and intensifying food production have put pressure on our already scarce freshwater supplies. Without wastewater, continued sustainable development won’t be possible.

This is why strict wastewater management processes must be implemented and wastewater technology must continue to advance. We need to make sure the reuse of wastewater (particularly in agriculture) isn’t a threat to public health.

Unburdens Freshwater Supplies

The total usable freshwater supply for the planet is less than 1% of all freshwater resources. That’s a scary reality, right?

When you also consider that the urban population grows by two people every second, the lack of freshwater sources becomes even scarier.

That’s why recycling wastewater is so important for conserving the freshwater supply that we have access to. Water simply isn’t a resource we can afford to use only once.

Helps Combat Water Scarcity

While we often consider water scarcity to be a third world problem, that is just not true. Water scarcity currently affects more than 40% of people on the planet – and that number is only going to rise.

Wastewater helps with water scarcity issues, and when properly sanitised, it can be reused in a number of ways. Depending on its original use and the treatment process it undergoes, it is even possible to use wastewater for drinking water.

Water Conservation in Everyday Life

household water useTo truly understand how much wastewater is produced each day, take note of each time you use water in the course of a single day. Brushing your teeth, having a shower, cooking and cleaning are all everyday activities that require water, and as soon as that water has been used, it becomes wastewater.

In order to be reused, that wastewater has to be properly treated. When it’s released into water bodies such as rivers and oceans without having been sanitised correctly – a regular occurrence that isn’t publicized enough – it has to potential to damage our already scarce freshwater supplies as well as our fragile ecosystems.

Just as wastewater plays a very important role in water conservation, we all have in role in ensuring it is treated correctly. We should all make the effort to stay informed on the latest wastewater treatment technologies and processes in order to be proactive about protecting our water supply.

For more information on wastewater and water conservation, contact Cleanawater, or learn more about our water treatment consultancy services.

Mark Maggiore

Sales Manager

Freshwater is not an infinite resource. More and more, the planet is suffering the consequences of its continuing exploitation. Is wastewater reuse the solution we've been looking for?

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