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Industrial Water Treatment and Processing

Take advantage of Cleanawater's specialist industry knowledge

Key odour challenges for the industrial water treatment and processing industry

  • Complex industry needs that require a comprehensive strategy
  • Urban growth encroaching closer to water treatment sites
  • Growing community intolerance of odorous emissions
  • Increased pressure to meet environmental compliance requirements
  • Prevention of Work Health and Safety issues
  • High volumes of water to treat in the network

Industry overview

Industrial water treatment and processing facilities have strict trade-waste agreements with their municipal wastewater authority on wastewater quality. The Protection of the Environment Operations (POEO) Act outlines additional legal requirements. State regulated Environmental Protection Authorities also measure odour units at site boundaries, enforcing particular limits.

In the industrial water treatment and processing industry, the volumes of wastewater generated usually require onsite treatment before discharge to a wastewater network. The treatment process can cause high levels of odorous gas emissions. Typical odour control interventions include chemical dosing, carbon or biofiltration units, and odour neutralising systems.


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Cleanawater's industry solutions

Cleanawater offers proven solutions for the industrial water treatment and processing industry based on a dual strategy approach. We have immediate, 'plug and play' interventions for quick odour control, as well as longer-term odour reduction technologies.

We also provide services to keep your odour control system in peak condition for a longer product life expectancy, which translates to saved maintenance time and money.

We can help you become compliant with municipal trade-waste agreements and Environmental Protection Authority requirements.

industry solutions7

Featured case study

AB Mauri

AB Mauri's facility generates large amounts of wastewater in the process of yeast production, necessitating an on-site effluent treatment plant. This created unpleasant odours, resulting in complaints from nearby businesses and residents. AB Mauri needed to stop odour problems immediately, so they called Cleanawater.

Our complete approach to odour management

Step 1

Solution Concept

Our experts will assess your site and develop an odour-reducing solution.

Step 2

Design & Engineering

We draw up your system ready to be custom-built.

Step 3


We'll assemble your custom system at your designated site.

Step 4


Our experts thoroughly test all systems to ensure they are ready for operation.

Step 5


We continually monitor and log system operations to ensure odour emissions remain at required levels.

More information

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