Frequently Asked Questions
Oil Water Separators
What size oil separator do I need?
This will depend on your application. For small single pressure washer applications, generally, 1,000 litre per hour systems are ideal. Larger systems are sized based on flow rates, rainfall ingression allowances and storage capacity amongst other factors.
Contact Cleanawater to discuss which size will best suit your requirement.
Can I re-use water once treated through an oil separator?
Oil separators are ideal for primary treatment for removals of oils, grease, hydrocarbons and suspended solids. To safely re-use water we recommend additional filtration modules be used and a water disinfection module such as chlorination or UV be used.
How often do oil separators require servicing?
Every 3-6 months generally. This depends on the amount of sludge accumulated in your process and oil influent levels.
Will an oil separator remove emulsified oils?
No. However if your application contains emulsified oils, our range of Hydrocarbon treatment systems are effective in removing emulsified oils.
Do I need a permit to install an oil separator?
We suggest you contact your local authority to confirm if a permit is required.
What should not be put through an oil separator?
Do not use traditional solvent based degreasers that do not have quick break properties, coolants, acids or caustics.
I only wash a couple of vehicles a week, do I still need an oil separator or pre-treatment system?
Yes. A pre-treatment system is required to treat wash water prior to discharge. On occasion, triple interceptor pits or petrol and oil interceptor pits are an accepted pre-treatment device, however, the majority of states and regions will require you to install an oil separator system.
To what level do oil separators remove hydrocarbons from waste water?
Cleanawater separators have been independently tested to remove total petroleum hydrocarbons to 5mg/L. Systems are WSAA appraised to adhere to the 10mg/L total petroleum hydrocarbon standard.
I don’t have sewerage on site, where else can I discharge treated water to?
Leach drains are another common discharge point. Regional areas and mining sites often discharge to an evaporation pond or a holding tank. Stormwater discharge should be avoided at all times unless a written consent permit is obtained.
What do I do with the oil that has been collected in the waste oil drum?
Oil should be removed by an approved contractor for disposal.
Can your oil separators automatically clean themselves?
Yes, these systems are available.
Contact Cleanawater to discuss your requirements. Hydrocyclone oil separators are an excellent choice for low maintenance, high-performance oily water treatment.
Water recycling systems
How much water can your systems recycle?
100% of water collected in a pit can be recycled. Due to evaporation losses when water is being used typically a total water re-use figure of 80% is achievable.
Do I still need mains water if I am recycling water?
For wash down purposes, small amounts of top-up water is required to compensate for evaporation losses. These can be topped up by harvested rainwater or mains water. If recycling water for industrial processes or dust suppression then this will not apply.
What foot print size do I need for a water recycling system?
This will depend on your application. Smallest systems are typically 3 x 2m however layouts are flexible for small footprint allocations.
Rainwater harvesting systems
We have environmental standards that do not allow use of mains water for washing. Are your rainwater harvesting systems suitable to replace a mains water source?
Yes. If you are not permitted to use mains water, rainwater harvesting coupled with water recycling is an ideal solution.
My hardstand area is heavily contaminated; can I still install a rainwater harvesting system?
Cleanawater can provide a treatment system to suit most contaminated hardstand areas. Contact Cleanawater to discuss the suitability of your area.
Oil skimmers
Do your oil skimmers require power?
Belt skimmers are motor driven and require power. Floating oil skimmers are buoyant in water and do not require power.
Do your oil skimmers have any consumables?
Belt oil skimmers will require a tube replacement periodically. Every two years on average.
Wash bays
Does a wash bay need a roof?
Generally no, however a first flush system is likely to be required if a roof is not in place. First flush diversion systems are designed to divert rainwater to stormwater and wash water to a pre treatment device for compliance discharge.
What permits do I need to install a wash down bay?
When installing a wash down bay it is always best to contact your local water authority to obtain a trade waste permit to connect to sewer.If
If a sewer is not available local councils or shires can best advise how to deal with wash water in your area.
How do I know if my wash down bay is compliant with local authority regulations?
If you are questioning if your wash down bay is compliant you will find it probably requires upgrades to ensure that it is.
Typical unroofed wash down bays require perimeter bunding, a holding pit, a diversion system, a pre-treatment device to treat wash down water and should not have connection to stormwater or allow water to simply run off into an adjacent area.
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How we help our clients
For almost 30 years, CleanaWater has led the Australia’s market in water treatment and recycling solutions.
We take pride in providing a range of small to large businesses with solutions tailored to meet their specific requirements.
CleanaWater are suppliers and manufacturers of water treatment solutions. Depending on your business needs, we can supply off-the-shelf plug and play solutions or custom build a water treatment solution tailored to your requirements.
All of our water treatment systems are authority compliant and have helped a range of businesses exceed their own strict environmental discharge standards.