Fan Assisted Filters
Remove 99.5% of contaminants and odour causing emissions with a carbon filter fan.
Fan assisted filters, also known as activated carbon filter fans, are suitablefor use on pump station vents, rising main manholes and air valves. These filters are highly effective in wastewater treatment and areparticularly effective at lowering odour levels at peak hours of the day. All our industrial fan-assisted filters come in a range of sizes to suit your infrastructure.
Many Australian councils trust the proven technology of Cleanawater’s activated carbon wastewater treatment for reliable odour control. With over 25 years of experience, we lead the market in the provision of water treatment systems, and our carbon filter fans can be found in a wide range of businesses and industries across Australia. Rely on Cleanawater to find the best odour management strategy for your site, and contact us today.
Depending on the requirements of your project, Cleanawater’s engineering team can design and install a system tailored to your needs or use one of the many filters built for Cleanawater by leading Australian manufacturers.
Uses and applications
- Used on pump station vents, rising main maintenance holes and air valves
- Available in a range of sizes
- Removes up to 99.5% of odours
- Processes a range of different organic contaminants
- Low cost per unit
- Designed for wastewater conditions
- Easy carbon drum replacement
Enquire about Cleanawater's fan assisted carbon filters.
Enquire about Cleanawater's fan assisted filters
Benefits of carbon filter fans
- Up to 99.5% odour removal for fewer resident complaints
- Breaks down a range of hazardous organiccontaminants
- Treatment is continuous despite different flow rates and concentrations
- Simple installation and operation to get started quickly
- Low cost per unit makes fan-assisted filters an economical choice
- Easy drum replacement when carbon has reached the end of its lifespan
- Designed for the harsh conditions of wastewater treatment plants
How it works
Cleanawater's filter fans use high-performance activated carbon pellets specially formulated to encourage H₂S adsorption. This media also reduces dimethyl sulphide levels, mercaptans and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
Benefits to clients
Fan assisted filters are reliable and effective, removing 99.5% of odorous gases. Their modular construction makes for a convenient and quick set-up. In addition, a relatively compact size ensures the minimum aesthetic impact on sites where residents are concerned about view obstruction.
Our thorough consultation process and excellent customer service ensure we understand your needs completely and can provide a cost-effective and low-maintenance odour control; solution to help manage your odour problems.
Product details
Functional description
Cleanawater's fan assisted filters are a single-stage treatment method for hazardous gases that use carbon adsorption technology. They work by extracting noxious gases from source matter using an extraction (blower) fan, which then sends the gases through the filter media.
The noxious gases are first collected in the filter's lower plenum, then are adsorbed by the media in the filter bed. Finally, the activated carbon media is chemically pretreated to allow for 99.5% of hazardous gas removal.
The filter vessel, fan, and control panel are all mounted on a galvanised skid arrangement for easy transportation and installation. The vessel is made from P300 High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE). This material contains resins that are UV resistant, making them suitable for all environmental conditions with a long expected lifespan.
DVS technical codes are followed during construction, and the jointing is butt and extrusion welded. 3 phase power is required for the electrical control panel. The system offers manual switch operation and indicator lights to show operational status clearly.
Absorptive media
The media in fan assisted filters is a specialised activated charcoal that has been sourced from sustainable raw materials. With a high activation level, this carbon is ideally suited to adsorption of contaminants in untreated gases in low to medium concentrations.
Optional accessories
Optional upgrades for carbon filter fans (or fan-assisted filters) include a PLC option for the standby fan, the use of stainless steel fans, the installation of a duct noise attenuator, plus a vandal-proof security structure.
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